


 Shamanism - Are you being called? Many are hearing our Universe whispering, welcoming … Are You One of Them ? "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors; we...

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Self Mastery

Self Mastery

कस्तूरी की खोज में ! क्या आप अपने जीवन को सही मायने में जीना चाहते हैं ? क्या आप एक स्वस्थ,समृद्ध और पूर्णतया सशक्त व्यक्तित्व का निर्माण करना चाहते हैं ? अगर आपने  इस प्रश्न का उत्तर ‘हाँ’ में दिया है,तो यह कार्यशाला आप के लिए हैं! इस कार्यशाला में आप: 1 एक नए नज़रिये...

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Monsoon Magic

Monsoon Magic

Come experience what it is like to be in Deep Contact with your Closest Friend Yourself! Enjoy two days of connecting to your Authentic Self. Meet your Innermost Emotions and Feelings, get to know them, honor and give them a place in your heart, Let the gentle morning...

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Past Life Theraphy

Past Life Theraphy

“If you’ve ever wondered why you have a fear of heights or look into the eyes of a stranger and feel as if you know them, the answers may be found in your past lives.” Brian Weiss, MD, the Pioneer of Modern Past Life Regression Therapy. One of the most common signs of...

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Inner Child

Inner Child

 We are the result of all that happened or did not happen to us when we were children. Every Child is born Innocent……….Sophia Roy Choudhury Each one of us has had thousands of varied experiences while we were growing up. Some sweet, some happy, some magical, others...

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