Gentle rays of the morning sun,kissing my eyes
Thebreeze whispering my name
My hair, flying in the wind, around my face
A feeling of deep peace rises within
As I see
The vast expanse of bougainvilleashrubs
I catch my breath,the beautiful panorama unfolding
Along a pathway, serenaded by bird songs
I breathe in pure air……I have a song to sing
I walk…I swing…I meditate,I silently go within ….
These priceless gifts of the Universe….I know what I feel ….
Yes, Gratitude for all the Latitudes of Grace
The day has started, my routine awaits me
My children….grandchild……my spouse…my work
My beautiful home and garden….call out to me
My pet still in dream land, waiting for a hug
Yes, Gratitude to you All…..for Being in my Life
For your wet lick kiss,my dear Angel, animal guide
A steaming cup of coffee, offered with love
My room cleaned and fresh… breakfast made
Deep gratitude! dear Angel helpers…..
You give me so much love …support…..
Yes, it is easy to feel gratitude ……one might say
Within the graces of a Latitude day
But then what about the Longitudes ?
Does my gratitude arise so swiftly and lovingly?
At times when all is chaos and I am lost
When time is short and the demands too long
When I win and lose… and loose and win
And don’t know one from another
When my whole being screams …wants out
I am shown mirages of miracles, where none exist
When my dear one is unwell
And I trust and wait, for healing to happen
My body keeps score and can take it no more
I manifest dis-ease, like the switch of a light
Crying, stumbling … and falling inside
The world sees me brave and whole outside ….
My heart breaks, into a thousand shards
I try in vain to pick them up
When pain rips out my guts
I face the moment of hidden truth,
Haunting images of the past,
Waiting to be acknowledged, the die is cast
Uninvited, many moons ago
Death had paid me a visit,stole my Beloved
My Young Eagle soared away, too early
Beyond the frontiers of time and space
My half empty nest, now floatsin void
Scared and forlorn, my little one reaches for me
I am too far gone, to hear her desperate plea
On my knees….and down for the count
My Dark Night of the Soul…has begun…..
Alone and helpless Iflounder in the void….
No one to hold on to, bereft of light…..
The Thorn Bird has sung… only chilling silence abounds
Frail body, soulworn and weary
The longroad home…baggage too heavy
Then at last, from the far Longitudes
Appears a light in the seething,smoldering blackness
The beacon sharp and true
Promises a life anew
The last leap of faith, I take
Sailing through the darkness, led by my soul
I look at myself, in the mirror of life
Wise eyes, but my smile, does not reach there yet
Gaunt and thin…..patched and repaired
Light seeping through the cracks, of the mended me
The patched pitcher has a new look
It cannever be the same again
The dawn of a new day, has just begun
Dimly, Ifeel the return of peace
Now the day is tempered, with rain and pain
With dark and light….there are shades of grey in the old white
I AM theancient tree that bends and is not broken
Storm ravaged, yet open toevery season
Deeply rooted in my present, aware of my past, creating my life
Gratitude…. for the Dark night of Soul,the Learning
….Lost but still found, Gratitude, formy beautiful nest
….For all the beauty that is exploding around me
…..For the Baby Angel Being, my Young Eagle Spirit, returning
In another form…..another name….still the same… Gratitude!
…..For having loved and lost…. Than, to have never loved at all
…..To have had and held……to return from the edge of life
To have been down but Now, not out
I look back in awesome wonder
At my Soul Journey out yonder
Offer the Source….my Latitudes and Longitudes of Gratitude!
As I meld and merge with my Self of Ages
Sophia Roy Choudhury