The Modern Shaman Today Shamanism is gaining great popularity. The New Age seeker wants to explore all modalities of growth and healing. People want a natural,grounded, earth based, nature driven &connected life. These are the very qualities our soul resonates to, on its Journey of living in the physical world. A sense of being deeply connected to ‘Pachamama’(Mother Earth), with arms stretching out to reach the skies & beyond.
The material, the illusionary and the artificial no longer attract many of us.
We are now looking beyond the trained horizon of our lives, towards the Great Unknown. To a space of being, which resonates deeply with our innate soul wisdom.
“To communicate with the Great Spirit or God from Earth” Saharsh Hindocha (Child Shaman)
To know that there is no division, that we are one with the Great Spirit, indeed one with the whole of existence.
We wonder if we can access the wisdom of the Three Worlds like our ancestors did. We imagine what it would feel like to speak with the oceans, the rivers, the winds& the mountains. We wish we could understand the nature and language of our animal friends. We so want to turn the clock back & enter the sacred, sweet and innocent time of our childhood. Where we could do all this, at will! To shape shift into a tree, a bird, an animal, a rock or plant with ease!When we healed ourselves with just a thought or a loving touch from our dear ones.
As we grew we forgot about this magical existence. We were conditioned into thinking that the world of our childhood was just make believe. Healing was a myth & doctors had to be consulted to get well. If we did not behave like every one we were different or queer!
Friends, Shamanism challenges all the conditioning we grew up with! Shamanism invites you to step into the magical world you once knew. You are called to Step into your Power & reclaim all that is lying dormant within you.
You are Called to Live Life Anew, to be a Modern Shaman!
The Shaman who is comfortable in cyberspace,yet who bonds with the wild .Who can groove to technology, yet hug a tree and speak to its heart. A person, who knows,understands& uses modern medicine yet trusts his/her body wisdom to restore itself to perfect health.A Modern Shaman who is Today’s Person, yet resonates with the wisdom & rituals of Ancestors. Who understands that he/she is the Custodian of Nature–Is the Earth Steward. The Modern Shaman believes in leaving the world a better place for the coming generations. A person who has understood what it is to be both Human & Divine in the same body.
If you feel Shamans drum, have long hair, wear feathers, dance, create rituals&ceremony, &work with energy, well friends you are absolutely right!
On the other hand Shamans can look & be like anyone else. Dressing is purely a matter of choice. Famous Shaman teachers all over the world dress& look just like any other person. Drumming is the easiest and most joyful way of Journeying. To a Shaman music, dance, ritual & ceremony are life force. All work and healing is energy.
Shamans have mastered the art & science of using energy for Healing, Divination & Co-creating.
The difference between Shamans & regular persons is the huge Cosmic Energy Shamans holds within them.
They know how to walk between worlds. To look at death in the face & be unafraid. They have the power to seek answers from The Great Spirit. They are one with the birds, the planets& the elements. They know how to bond with other humans & with Nature. Shamans heal themselves & others. Grow& use natural products. Create ceremony & ritual for the well being of their family, tribe& the whole of Universe. They befriend Elements &Directions to create magic. They turn the ordinary into Special& Divine.
Friends if you feel like reading further, know that you are hearing the Soul Song of a Shaman.
Shaman Sophia was initiated into the Sacred World of Shamanism at the age of six. Her journey was long & wild, as it was intense, traumatic, triumphant&joyful. What helped her live a life of great beauty was her Shamanic practice.
She was taught by world famous teachers as well as by Nepali Shamans. She was blessed with crystal clear streams of healing water sat the foot hills of the Himalayas. She was taught about medicinal plants & the ways of wild animals. She was told stories as she slept & was carried into other worlds on the wings of an eagle. Her intuition was honed by daily nature walks in the forest. Evenings were filled with stories and lessons around a fire. Her animal friend, a female snake, shares a bond of many life times with her. She has danced to the drumming of rain clouds, with feathers in her hair, till the rain showered her with blessings. Communicating with spirits & receiving information was taught to her in childhood. Later, as she grew and developed her practice, she learned many sacred Shamanic healing & Divination techniques.
She has drunk of the cup of wisdom, knowledge, ceremony, ritual & magic, to emerge strong, powerful & authentic.
Friends, in a nutshell this is Shamanism. Not a course to be studied but a way of life to be learned and followed. Walking the Red Road of Shamanism is not easy. For the One who is Called it is Life!
If you are called, do answer from the voice of your soul. Know your pure authentic self, dance, create music, heal & become one with the elements. Create your soul song & get close to your power animal or bird. Embody its energy &manifest at will. Co create a life of your dreams with the Great Spirit.
If you are moved & want to travel the Red Path, reach out to me& explore. Start a dialogue. Participate in my upcoming workshop.
Date: 27th & 28th July
Place: Delhi
Venue: Kaarmic Connection
Sophia Roy Choudhury